Studio 17
Anderson + Medrano
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Painting Photography Sculpture
For over 17 years Patrick Medrano and Katy Anderson have been submerged in the arts in Houston, Texas and abroad. What started out as a love story between a photographer and a painter sculpture, has over the years blossomed into a thriving and much sought after collaborative art entity. Although Medrano and Anderson’s solo careers have grows significantly, it’s their collaborative work that has flourished, giving birth to what is now simply known as “Anderson + Medrano”. With backgrounds as different as their personalities, Medrano + Anderson become one in their works of art. “Our process is always the same” they explain, “we shoot, paint and build what our individual hearts desire. Then through the shuffle of life they find their way into each others frame.” Katy’s beautifully soft black/white photos giving comfort and balance to Patrick’s hand on soulful brush strokes and custom fit structures. A unique balance of light and darkness.