Studio 9
Alex Barber
Digital and Film Photographer
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I photograph what calls to me, almost without question – with a mix of conscious and subconscious. I feel if I ever shoot with an eye towards what the audience would like, then I’m just pandering to external taste before I’ve even framed something in camera.
My time behind a viewfinder goes back to grade school, shooting 35mm film on a Canon FTb that I still use. It took me getting into digital and ramping up heavily on the gear that I used to make me look back to film again. I had never shot medium format before that, and then I bought a 6×6 folding camera that was 60 years old. Since then, I’ve been shooting film whenever I can on different formats. Every roll is a strip of surprises in color or black and white, and another chance to keep learning from what I capture one frame at a time.